Dohyeong Lee

Dohyeong Lee

After military period, I switched from economics to computer science, maintaining a high GPA (4.21/4.5) with a growth mindset

I prioritize creating real business impact across various fields through development
As a full-stack developer at a Pre-Series A startup and leader of the Google-sponsored GDGoC community,
I strive to build both technical and communication skills

Through building applications across domains, I developed a deep interest in infrastructure and now focus on scalable, reliable infrastructure

Pre-Series A Startup

Pre-Series A Startup

Managed 100,000+ MAU

Selected by TIPS Program

Founded Startup

Founded Startup

Secured $30,000 Revenue

Full-Stack Development

Released on Appstore

Released on Appstore

Managed 5000+ users

FrontEnd Lead Developer

React.JS, ReactNative

React.JS, ReactNative

JavaScript, Typescript

Web/Mobile Development

Solution Architect Associate

Solution Architect Associate

S3, Lambda, DynamoDB

API Gateway, EC2, ECS



Microservice Architecture

Domain Driven Design

Native Korean

Native Korean

English(TOEIC 990/990)

Japanese(JLPT N1 Certified)

NoSQL Database 1NoSQL Database 2NoSQL Database 3

NoSQL Database

SQL Database

Cloud Database

GDGoC DGU Organizer

GDGoC DGU Organizer

Hosted 30+ Events

Managed 30+ Members

Git Workflow 1Git Workflow 2Git Workflow 3

Git Workflow

Docker Containerization

Nginx Reverse Proxy

Hybrid Web/App 1Hybrid Web/App 2

Hybrid Web/App

Recognized Improving SEO


Log Monitoring 1Log Monitoring 2

Log Monitoring

Analytics SaaS Platform

Data Driven Decision-Making

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All Rights Reserved.